Intercast Corp.


@ Web Business Simple

@ Web Business PRO

Our competitive advantages

We make every efforts to provide you with uniform products based high quality, secured delivery and reasonable price. All the costs are included in the quote that is easy to understand.

Web Business PRO

Web Business Pro is carried out through 3 steps.
Step 1: Planning / Research

1. Orientation
In order to ensure that the project progresses efficiently, we familiarize ourselves with the details of your business background, needs, target users, etc.

2. Research
In order to accurately understand what the users are demanding, marketing research is necessary. Through thorough competitor analysis research, we are able to support the most effective website creation.

3. Planning
Intercast offers ideas to build a better website based on your desired site image and our market analysis. We then work together with you, focusing on creating a holistic business model incorporating PR planning and project ideas.

Step 2: Creation / Website Launch

1. Web design / Flash
Web construction is available up to 18 pages. Flash movies, etc. are also available if desired.

2. Domain Acquisition
Acquiring your own domain, such as or is also possible. You can rest assured that Intercast will oversee all the troublesome details necessary for obtaining a domain name. With this service, you will be able to put your domain name and personalized e-mail address on your business cards.

3. Promotion Management
This step involves actively placing the finished web site in the spotlight so a large number of users can have access to it. Intercast handles tasks such as search engine registration and e-mail magazine publication support.

Step 3: Management and Consulting

1. Web Hosting
Just as land is necessary when building a house, merely creating a web site won't allow you to place it on the internet. A place to put your finished website (server) is necessary.

2. Monthly Consulting
The needs of users are constantly in flux. Intercast grasps those needs with audience rating reports and offers ideas to handle changes as they occur.

3. Updating
A website is not complete even when the work is finished. Updates are essential to stay on top of incorporating new information. Intercast handles your needs rapidly and exactly, delivering fresh news to the user while it is still fresh.

4. Promotion Support
We provide advice for clients who are interested in post website creation customer follow up services such as banner advertisements and e-mail magazines.

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